Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Mintcoin, the new and exciting alt coin

It seems like every day we are being introduced to a new alt coin now that Bitcoin has become such a successful currency. The problem is, many of these coins have a limited focus on the future and how to maintain growth. There is where coins such as Mintcoin become unique. Unlike other alt coins, Mintcoins can only be mined for a limited period of time, after that, the mines shut and your personal wallet accumulates interest. What makes this special? It gives everybody a chance to earn coins no matter how powerful or weak their computer is. The biggest issue with alt coins right now is if you don't have the money to invest on building high end gaming machines, you're basically out of luck when it comes to mining. Mint shakes this up by giving miners a limited time to mine and after that, it's all done from the wallet allowing everybody to become a miner. There's another plus to this as well, it reduces its carbon footprint on the world. Now that is something I can stand behind.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

People confuse me

Does it ever piss you off that people say one thing and do the complete opposite? Or how about when people create standards they expect others to live by to impress them. I know it degusts me. I can't count the number of times people have said one thing to me, but their actions go completely against what they say. If you want me to approve of what you said, shouldn't you enforce what you speak? I'll never be able to figure this one out. Sure, I never hold true all the time, but I rightfully like to say what I feel instead of passing along some bullshit.

Now what about those people that have these "expectations" for people to live up to. I've known people who do this and it just pisses the hell out of me. Seriously, I'm so sorry nothing lives up to your standards and you expect others to take after your image, but that's just not going to fucking happen. Argh that stuff makes me angry.

So this really feels like a incomplete rant, but I just had to get that off my mind so goodbye for now bloggers of the world.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

In Search of My Rose

I really could not think of what I should do with this blog being I have a LiveJournal. After much pondering I've concluded that I'm going to treat this much like Livejournal in the fact that I'll post whatever I feel discussing with the world about, but I possibly might speak about some subjects (aka myself) on this blog as I know only a few people read it. So lets start this thing off with the always number one issue that I deal with, the subject of love.

Yeah so I'm a lonely person, and I just wish it would change. Everybody says how "great" of a person I am and that anybody would be lucky to be with me. I greatly appreciate these words, but happiness cannot just be obtained through words unfortuantely. I've been single my entire life and last year marked my first kiss, but that unfortuantely turned into quite a painful part of my life. I spend all this time with her only to later discover she has a boyfriend and she has been cheating on him with me. That truly hurt and it felt like somebody had ran a nail through my heart. That was the first time I felt a deeper type of love than I had ever experienced before, but it's just so horrid to look at the entire situation. I just wish I could find somebody and hopefully soon because there's a great deal of loneliness inside of me. I feel like lyrics directly from songs by Wolfsheim as their subject matter deals with love and I very much agree with their lyrics.

Example from a song by Wolfsheim titled "Closer Still"

The watery light that mirrors in your desirable eyes
the way you move your lips
while talking to somebody else
i move a little closer just to hear what you say
you speak of loneliness but here's a soul adoring you

it's a wounded heart
it breaks in two
and in it's pain
it sings for you

it's a wounded heart
that feels afraid
moves closer still
fulfills its fate

While thats not the lyrics for the entire song, you can create a picture from what I posted that the song is about somebody on the outside who admires you and yet they are ignored. Or lets look at a few lyrics from another song by Wolfsheim titled "Care for You" (Audio sample)

and when winter comes around
you'll need your winter shoes.
but if winter's still about
to get too cold for you,
you´ll need someone to keep you warm...

someone to help you through the storm...
someone who's good...
doing no harm...
...and he'll say...

...I care for you... I'm there
... I´m there for you... I care...

To me these two examples are absolutely amazing. The lyrics in these songs hold such a powerful message and their messages I very much agree with.
Markus Reinhardt & Pompejo Ricciardi (Members of Wolfsheim. Markus is on the right and Pompejo is on the left) speak of love as being such a beautiful thing and how they vow to be very caring to their significant other. I just listen to these songs and wish I could find somebody to share my life with, but so far that does not seemed to have happened and I grow lonelier as the days go by. All I can do is wish something will happen soon, but as it seems right now, the world is against me. I want to be in a relationship, I want to show somebody how much love is in my heart, I want somebody to make me happy, but when is it going to happen? :(

- Joe

Saturday, January 08, 2005

I only came to make some noize

So this marks the first post in my new blog.