People confuse me
Does it ever piss you off that people say one thing and do the complete opposite? Or how about when people create standards they expect others to live by to impress them. I know it degusts me. I can't count the number of times people have said one thing to me, but their actions go completely against what they say. If you want me to approve of what you said, shouldn't you enforce what you speak? I'll never be able to figure this one out. Sure, I never hold true all the time, but I rightfully like to say what I feel instead of passing along some bullshit.
Now what about those people that have these "expectations" for people to live up to. I've known people who do this and it just pisses the hell out of me. Seriously, I'm so sorry nothing lives up to your standards and you expect others to take after your image, but that's just not going to fucking happen. Argh that stuff makes me angry.
So this really feels like a incomplete rant, but I just had to get that off my mind so goodbye for now bloggers of the world.